Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mystery in the Backyard, Update #1

Gretel and I have made some progress on the backyard project, not all of which is documented here.

The posts now have 1-3/8" holes drilled through them... aligned axially north and south if that matters to anyone.

Yep, looks like the holes are lined up close enough to accomplish their purpose.

And finally, a pipe that fits nicely right through the holes. This is really only half of the project, and the lesser complicated half for that matter. We've had several people correctly identify this object so far, but none of them identified it in the comments section. Can you guess what it is?


  1. I confess I have not the faintest idea what this can possibly be. That is no surprise, however, as I have never been reckoned very intelligent in regard to projects like this....

  2. A chin-up bar for green beans? Oh, wait... green beans don't have chins... hmmm...

  3. Is it an outdoor gym for one of Gretel's cats? Or something to do with an irrigation stop??

  4. Kathryn -- don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you don't recognize this common object because my projects are generally a little "different"

    dlr -- even though you guessed correctly over a week ago, I still appreciate your humor

    Whitakers -- these answers are so entertaining I hate to give away the answer. I especially like the fact that you probably see irrigation stops in just about everything you look at!

  5. So we're wrong??!!How could that be???

  6. I think dir must be right. Def a chin-up bar for green beans.. or some other sort of veggie which is possessed of a chin. yup. Def.

  7. too low for chin-ups. Too low for anchoring a zip-line or a cloths line... Very sturdy looking... Too narrow for horses to jump over... Maybe some sort of (odd) sundial?

    Mrs. Bringe

  8. Mrs. Bringe -- a sundial? Wow, you DO have an active imagination...
