Henry's words, and his thirst for liberty, are celebrated annually around the country, and we think one of the best celebrations must be in Medinah, Illinois. The Erber family from Harvard were the founders of this celebration that has grown to a day-and-a-half conference for several hundred people.
Guest speakers bring inspiring and educational lectures each year, and that's Joe Morecraft pictured above speaking on the critical difference between natural law and Biblical law. His lecture contrasted the perspectives of Augustine, who believed everything must be considered in light of the Word of God, and Aquinas, who thought the Bible was not necessary for understanding "some" things. Morecraft believes America's preference for reason over God's revelation is partly responsible for the decline of our culture.
Phil Kayser is shown above in the middle of his presentation "Breaches in Humanism's Dam: Why Christianity Will Win the War," which addressed the bankruptcy of humanistic philosophies and the promises to God's people in 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Lily also wore her new polonaise gown for the first time in public, and I believe it was well received. You might remember this dress from last summer.
Finally, a picture of Karen with Mrs. Bringe, who traveled all the way from Colorado with her family so we could enjoy their presence.
Thanks for visiting!